Pastoral da Crianca Internacional
The Child’s Pastoral, a CNBB (Brazilian Bishops National Conference) social action organism, bases its activities on the community organization and training community leaders who live there. They assume the task of guiding and following up the neighboring families on health, education, nutrition, and citizenship basic actions, having as goal the “full development of children, improving, because of them, their families and communities, regardless of race, color, profession, nationality, sex, religious or political beliefs.” (Article 2 of the Statute)

Dr. Nelson Arns Neumann
Pastoral da Criança, Brazil
International Coordinator
“Religions can and must use their credibility and structure to promote the Full Life of all. The Toolkit helps us to walk together in this direction.”
Nelson is a physician, master in epidemiology, a doctor in public health. He worked as a lay missionary in Maranhão (1988-89), the poorest region of Brazil. He is currently the International Coordinator of Pastoral da Criança (Child’s Pastoral).
Pastoral da Criança has activities in Latin America (Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and Venezuela), Africa (Guinea Bissau, Mozambique and Benin) and Asia (Philippines).

Ms. Caroline Dalabona
Pastoral da Criança, Brazil
Technical Advisor for Health and Nutrition
“The Toolkit is the realisation of a lot of dialogue and commitment of people with the great hope of protecting and promoting the lives of all children.”
Nutritionist, Master in Public Health. She has worked in the technical department of Pastoral da Criança since 2008. She is co-responsible for the formulation and implementation of projects, preparation of educational materials, scientific review and analysis and monitoring of nutritional and health indicators. Trainer of the following actions of the institution: Leader’s Guide, Nutritional Monitoring and Food and Home Gardens.