Africa Early Childhood Network
The Africa Early Childhood Network was created to develop and advance coherent Early Childhood Development policy development and implementation throughout the African continent. Harnessing the diversity of strong civil society organizations delivering critical programming and advocacy for young children, AfECN strengthens impact through coordinated action, driven in close collaboration and consultation with key stakeholder.

Ms. Stella Ndugire Mbugua
Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN)
Technical Advisor - Nurturing Care for ECD, Ministry of Health, Kenya & Africa Early Childhood Network
“How can I awaken or ignite the spiritual domain of little ones under my influence? By nurturing my own faith. Nurturing holistic development early will ensure an Africa where all children are learning, safe, healthy, happy and achieving their full potential.”
Stella is a Child Development Specialist with 19 years of experience in policy advocacy, high-level strategic communications and partnerships management. She offers technical support to the Division of Neonatal and Child Health at the Ministry of Health in Kenya.
Stella supported the establishment of the African Union Commission’s CESA ECED Cluster (2018), coordinated by AfECN; co-founded ECD Network for Kenya and is co-published on parenting, childcare and child development themes.
She has managed program design and quality across 20 African countries in East and Southern Africa; previously worked at Aga Khan Foundation-East Africa, Parenting in Africa Network, ICS Africa, and Global Press Institute; and graduated with an MA in Child Development (Integrated Studies) from Daystar University and a double BA from The University of Nairobi.