Nurturing Values and Spirituality in Early Childhood for the Protection of Children from Violence
A Consortium to foster collaboration, share good practices and develop approaches to nurture the spiritual development of children in the early years

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The Toolkit for Nurturing the Spiritual Development of Children in the Early Years — A Contribution to the Protection of Children from Violence and the Promotion of Their Holistic Well-Being was launched in Rome, on 18 November 2022.
This Toolkit helps equip faith actors to engage actively in the protection of children from violence in early childhood and the promotion of children’s holistic well-being by supporting parents, caregivers, educators and communities to nurture children’s spiritual development and take an active role in addressing violence in early childhood.

The Consortium brings together…

Civil Society Organizations

Faith-Based Organizations

Religious Communities


Multilateral Organizations

Individual Experts
Nurturing the Spiritual Development of Children in the Early Years
A Contribution to the Protection of Children from Violence and the Promotion of Their Holistic Well-Being